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How to Meet Guys in the Summertime...

Keen to meet someone this summer? Here are some tried and tested ways where you can be out and about enjoying the amazing weather and also meet men…

1. Find a dog to walk 
Take a friends dog for a walk in the local park, good times to go include lunchtimes, after work or on the weekend. Then, while walking your dog, smile at men as you pass by. People (men included) are more willing to stop to talk to someone who has an attractive (make sure it’s friendly, too) puppy with them. You can even start up a conversation with a cute dog lover sitting on a park bench.

Other ideas: take the dog to the local bike or walking path, around your neighbourhood, or for a longer hike in the country. If you run into a guy with a dog, let the dogs break the ice while you mingle. You can also ask about their dog to start the conversation. If he doesn’t have a dog but you still want to chat, walk your dog closer towards him (not too obviously though), and let the dog take care of the rest. Oh what’s that? Max’s tail is wagging? Cue, “Hey, I think he likes you.” Success.

2. Attend every summer party
Don't spend your precious summer evenings at home in front of your TV. If you want to meet cute men, you have to put yourself out there as much as possible, giving yourself the opportunity to meet men. Sometimes women get in the habit of saying, "no" to invitations, but that won't help you meet men. Say "YES!" The more gatherings you attend, the more people you'll meet, whether it's family, friends, business or singles events.

Parties are festive, which makes people happy, this makes it easier to meet men too. No more excuses; just go. Don't be shy at these parties either. Go and talk to the cute guy manning the barbeque…

3. Go outdoors
It sounds obvious, but that's where the men are: swimming pools, beaches, tennis courts, golf courses, outdoor bars, rooftops… whatever. Guys head outside in the summer to enjoy the sun, be aware they are also likely there to admire women in their summer clothes, so remember to wear your prettiest and most flattering summer dress!

4. Join a hiking, biking or kayaking group
You could do these activities alone, but with a singles group, you will definitely meet new people! Participating in a group activity gives you something in common to bond over and chat. What’s not to like, sun, exercise, endorphins, and single men. Then you can have a drink together after you’ve worked up a thirst…

Enjoy the summer!